Saturday 31 August 2024

A Taste of the Forbidden

"Mom, can you hand me the remote?" Alex called out, his eyes glued to the TV. His mother, Rachel, sighed as she padded into the living room, the scent of apple pie wafting behind her.

"Alex, you've been watching TV all afternoon," Rachel said, her voice a gentle scold. "Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air?"

Alex groaned, tossing a pillow over his head. "It's hot out there, and I've got homework to do."

Rachel paused, her hand hovering over the remote control. "You know, when I was your age, I'd have given anything for a break like this. A chance to just sit and relax without a care in the world."

The TV blared in the background, a commercial for a new reality show flashing across the screen. Rachel's gaze lingered on it wistfully.

"Yeah, well, you're not a teenager anymore," Alex said, not unkindly. "You wouldn't get it."

Rachel chuckled, handing over the remote. "You're right. I wouldn't want to be a teenager again for anything. But I do miss the freedom sometimes."

The kitchen timer beeped, and Rachel's attention was drawn back to her pie. She walked away, leaving Alex to his shows.

That evening, as Rachel was about to slice into the golden crust of the apple pie she had baked, her hand hovered over the knife. She looked at Alex, sprawled on the couch, and said, "You know what? I wish I could just trade places with you for a day. No responsibilities, no worries."

Alex laughed, a mouthful of pie muffling his words. "You'd hate it, Mom. Trust me."

Rachel winked at him. "Oh, I'd manage."

The room grew quiet, filled only with the sweet aroma of the pie and the distant hum of the TV. Rachel took a bite, savoring the warmth and tartness.

Little did they know, as Rachel spoke those words, something strange was happening. A tingling sensation began to spread through their bodies, starting at their fingertips and moving up their arms. They exchanged puzzled glances, and the room around them seemed to waver. The pie sat forgotten on the counter, its aroma fading as the world around them grew hazy.

In the space of a heartbeat, everything changed.

Alex felt his body shrink and morph, his clothes growing tighter in some places, looser in others. His eyes widened as Rachel's figure swam before him, and suddenly he was looking down at his own teenage frame from her perspective. Rachel's hand trembled, the knife clattering to the counter as she looked up at herself in Alex's body, her eyes filled with a mix of terror and bewilderment.

"What the...?" Alex's voice, now coming from Rachel's body, cracked with shock. Rachel's eyes grew even wider in Alex's face as she tried to process the impossible.

They both stumbled back, the room spinning around them. Rachel's hand reached out to grab the counter for balance, but it was Alex's hand that caught it, the sensation of his own hand feeling foreign and awkward. Rachel's body took a step back, and Alex stumbled in Rachel's heels, almost falling over.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Rachel's voice, now coming from Alex's body, was shaky. Rachel, in Alex's body, took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

"I think... I think we switched bodies," Rachel said, her voice barely above a whisper. Alex nodded, his mind racing with a million questions. "But how? This can't be happening."

The reality of the situation began to sink in, and Rachel felt a bubble of hysterical laughter rise in her chest. "Look at me," she said, gesturing to Alex's body. "Look at us!"

Alex looked down at his new body, Rachel's curves and the apron tied around her waist. Rachel stared at her son's frame, the height and the broad shoulders feeling alien and overwhelming. They both looked back up at each other, their eyes filled with the same disbelief.

"We have to tell someone," Rachel said, her voice still Alex's. "Dad? The doctor?"

Alex, in Rachel's body, bit his lip. "No, let's keep this between us for now. We don't want anyone to think we're crazy."

They nodded in silent agreement, the gravity of the situation setting in. They had to figure this out on their own. Rachel, in Alex's body, took a tentative step forward, trying to get used to the new sensation of his legs beneath her. Alex, in Rachel's body, reached for the phone, his movements clumsy and unpracticed.

"We'll start with looking up body-swapping spells or something," Rachel suggested, her voice now deep and masculine. "This has to be some kind of weird joke, right?"

Alex laughed nervously. "Yeah, a really bad sitcom plot."

They stared at each other for a long moment, the absurdity of their situation sinking in. Then, Rachel took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's do this. We'll switch back before anyone notices."

The tension in the room was palpable as they both took a step towards the computer, ready to tackle the challenge ahead. But as they sat down, side by side, they couldn't help but feel a strange excitement, a thrill of the unknown. Maybe, just maybe, they'd get to live a day in each other's shoes, and learn something new about themselves along the way.

Alex, in Rachel's body, clicked away at the keyboard, his fingers learning the new rhythm of Rachel's typing style. Rachel, in Alex's body, leaned over his shoulder, her eyes darting over the screen, taking in the unfamiliar layout of his internet tabs. They chuckled at the juxtaposition of her recipe bookmarks alongside his gaming sites.

"Okay, let's try this," Alex said, his voice still Rachel's. He had found a website with a long list of supposed body-swapping spells. Rachel, in Alex's body, rolled her eyes. "Come on, Mom, it's worth a shot."

They read through the incantations, their laughter turning into grim determination as each one failed to produce any results. The room grew stuffier, the air thick with the scent of the uneaten pie. Rachel's hand, now in Alex's body, wiped a bead of sweat from her brow.

"This is ridiculous," Rachel said, her voice still deep and unfamiliar. "This can't be real. Maybe we're just having some kind of shared hallucination."

Alex, now Rachel, paused, looking up from the screen. "Or maybe we're just not saying the spells right."

They took a deep breath, their eyes meeting in the reflection of the computer screen. They had to admit, there was something almost... liberating about being in each other's bodies. Rachel felt a pang of guilt for ever wishing she could be young again. And Alex? Well, he was starting to understand the weight of the responsibilities Rachel carried every day.

They decided to take a break from their frantic search, moving to the living room to sit on the couch. Rachel, in Alex's body, felt the muscles stretch and ache in ways they never had before. Alex, in Rachel's body, felt a strange comfort in the softness of her skin and the way her clothes draped around her.

For a moment, they just sat there, watching the TV without the sound on, the room filled with a silent understanding. They were both out of their element, but they were in it together. And maybe, just maybe, that was the most important thing.

The next commercial break, Rachel, in Alex's body, stood up. "I've got an idea," she said, her voice now filled with the confidence of a teenager. "Let's not just sit here. Let's live today like we're actually in each other's shoes."

Alex, in Rachel's body, nodded. "Yeah, let's do it. But first, I need to get out of these heels." 

They both laughed, the sound echoing through the house in unison, as Rachel carefully stepped out of the shoes and Alex, now in Rachel's body, took them up, examining them with a mix of curiosity and horror. "How do you even walk in these?"

Together, they made a pact to keep their swap a secret and to make the most of the situation. Rachel, now in Alex's body, decided to tackle the homework that had been looming over her, and Alex, in Rachel's body, decided to start dinner.

As the evening rolled in, the smell of Rachel's apple pie had long since faded, replaced by the mouthwatering aroma of spaghetti bubbling on the stove. Alex's dad, Mark, walked through the door, his tie loosened and a briefcase in hand. "Honey, I'm home!" he called out, expecting Rachel's usual warm greeting.

Instead, he was met with an awkward silence followed by the clinking of pans and a muffled "In here!" from Alex's voice coming from Rachel's body. Mark furrowed his brow, stepping into the kitchen to find Rachel, or rather, Alex, in an apron and Rachel's high heels, struggling to drain the pasta. "Everything okay?" he asked, his eyes scanning the scene with confusion.

Rachel, in Alex's body, turned to him with a forced smile. "Yeah, just a little... kitchen trouble." She hoped her voice didn't give them away. Alex looked over, his expression a mix of panic and amusement.

Mark chuckled, walking over to kiss Rachel, his hand lingering on her shoulder, which was now Alex's. Rachel felt a sudden jolt, a confusing sensation of attraction she hadn't anticipated. She stepped back quickly, her cheeks flushing with heat. "Uh, I've got it," she said, her voice a little too high. Mark looked at her quizzically but let it go, taking a seat at the dinner table.

Alex, in Rachel's body, took a deep breath, trying to ignore the way Mark's gaze lingered on Rachel's form. They were in this together, and they had to keep it together. "I'll go grab the salad," Rachel said, her voice a little too low.

As she moved to the fridge, she felt an unfamiliar tightness in her chest, her heart racing as Mark's eyes followed her. It was strange, the way his touch had made her, or rather, Rachel's body, feel. She couldn't shake the feeling as she sat back down at the table, serving out the spaghetti.

Mark took a bite, nodding in approval. "This is delicious, Rachel," he said, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Alex, now in Rachel's body, felt a flush of pride. It was weird, being on the receiving end of his dad's compliments in such an intimate way.

But as the evening went on, the sensation grew stronger. Mark leaned back in his chair, unbuttoning the top of his shirt, and Alex couldn't help but notice the way Rachel's eyes lingered on his chest, the way Rachel's body reacted to his presence. It was like Rachel's body had a mind of its own, reacting to Mark in ways she never had before.

And it wasn't just Mark's physical presence. Alex found himself getting turned on by the way Rachel's body responded to simple things, like the way Mark's hand brushed against Rachel's, or the way he talked about his day at work. It was as if Rachel's body had a secret attraction to Mark that Alex had never been aware of, and now he was experiencing it firsthand.

Rachel, in Alex's body, noticed the change too. She felt an uncomfortable heat rising in her cheeks as she watched the exchange. "Maybe we should go to bed early," Rachel suggested, her voice coming out as Alex's. "We've got a big day tomorrow."

Alex nodded, still feeling flustered. They both knew they had to get through this, but the lines between their bodies and their minds were blurring. Rachel retreated to Alex's room, the door clicking shut behind her. She sat on the bed, her head in her hands, trying to make sense of the emotions swirling through her.

In the other room, Mark looked at Rachel's retreating figure, a hint of confusion in his eyes. He had noticed the sudden change in Rachel's demeanor but brushed it off as stress from the day. As he cleared the dinner dishes, Alex trailed behind, Rachel's body feeling both strange and yet eerily familiar.

The house grew quiet, and Mark headed to the bedroom. Rachel, now in Alex's body, took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She knew she had to go through the motions, but the anticipation of sharing a bed with Mark, as Alex, was making her heart race.

When they climbed into bed, Rachel found it difficult to ignore the way Mark's hand rested on her, or rather, Alex's, thigh. She felt an electric jolt of arousal that she hadn't anticipated, her breath hitching in Alex's chest. Mark leaned over and kissed Rachel's cheek, his eyes closing in contentment. Rachel's hand, now Alex's, trembled as she reached up to stroke his hair, the gesture feeling both natural and wrong at the same time.

Mark's eyes opened, and Rachel could see the spark of desire in them. His hand slid up Alex's chest, and Rachel felt a thrill that was both terrifying and exhilarating. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against Rachel's neck, and Rachel felt her heart hammering in her ears. This was not what she had planned, not what she had expected, but she couldn't stop herself from responding. Her hand trailed down Mark's back, feeling the strength and warmth of his body beneath her touch.

The line between Rachel and Alex blurred as Rachel's body reacted to Mark's advances, the years of pent-up attraction now coming to the surface. Alex's mind raced with confusion and arousal, his body responding in ways that he never had before. Rachel's hand reached down to Mark's waist, fumbling with the button of his pants, her heart racing with the thrill of the forbidden.

Mark's kiss grew more passionate, his hands exploring Rachel's body as if it were a landscape he had longed to touch. Rachel's body responded eagerly, Alex's mind reeling with the intensity of the sensations. They moved together, Rachel's body arching into Mark's touch, her breath coming in gasps that sounded like Alex's. It was a dance of desire that neither of them had ever experienced, a strange and intoxicating blend of the familiar and the new.

Clothes flung to the floor, their bodies tangled in the sheets, Rachel's curves pressed against Mark's firmness, Alex's mind overwhelmed by the feeling of Rachel's softness and Mark's strength. Rachel's hand wrapped around Mark's erection, stroking it with a surprising confidence that seemed to come from deep within her, a secret part of herself that she had never shared with anyone. Mark groaned, his hips moving in response, his hands exploring Rachel's body with a hunger that seemed insatiable.

The room was filled with the sound of their muffled gasps and the rustle of fabric as they moved together, Rachel's body taking the lead even as Alex's mind reeled with the intensity of the experience. Rachel's hand guided Mark's into her own body, and Alex felt Rachel's arousal as if it were his own, a heady mix of excitement and fear that made him feel alive in a way he never had before.

Their lovemaking was a tumultuous storm of passion, Rachel's body moving with a grace and experience that Alex had never known. He watched, fascinated, as Rachel's body took over, moving in sync with Mark's, her eyes closed in ecstasy. It was like watching a movie, but he was living it, feeling it, experiencing it in a way that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

Mark was clearly surprised by Rachel's newfound aggression, his eyes widening as Rachel's hand, now Alex's, guided him deeper into her. Rachel's moans grew louder, her body moving with a confidence that was unmistakable. Alex felt a strange thrill as Mark's hands explored Rachel's curves, his touch both familiar and foreign. Rachel's body was responding to Mark in a way that was so raw and primal, it was all Alex could do to keep up.

Rachel's legs wrapped around Mark's waist, her hips moving in a rhythm that was both Rachel's and Alex's. Mark's eyes locked onto Rachel's, a question in them, but all Rachel could do was nod, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Alex felt Rachel's arousal building, a pressure building in his new body that was both terrifying and thrilling.

Their movements grew more frantic, Rachel's body arching off the bed as Mark's thrusts grew deeper. Rachel's nails dug into Mark's back, her body trembling with the force of her climax. Mark followed shortly after, his body tensing with the release. They lay there, panting, Rachel's body pressed against Mark's, Alex's mind racing with the reality of what had just happened.

The aftermath was a tangle of limbs and emotions, Rachel's body feeling both satisfied and guilty. Mark pulled Rachel closer, kissing her forehead, his eyes filled with a mix of pleasure and confusion. Rachel's hand, now Alex's, rested on Mark's chest, feeling the steady thump of his heart beneath her fingertips.

"What got into you tonight?" Mark murmured, his voice filled with wonder. Rachel, in Alex's body, swallowed hard, trying to find the words to explain. But what could she say? That she had switched bodies with her son and discovered a side of herself she had never known?

They lay there in the dark, the silence heavy with unspoken secrets. Rachel's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, her body still humming with the aftershocks of their passionate encounter. Alex's mind was racing too, trying to process the emotions and sensations that Rachel had just experienced.

Finally, Rachel spoke, her voice low and filled with regret. "I'm sorry, Mark. I don't know what came over me." Mark frowned, his hand stroking Rachel's hair, his touch gentle and reassuring.

"Don't be sorry, Rachel," he said, his voice thick with desire. "That was... amazing. I've never seen you like that before." Rachel's body stiffened, the guilt seeping through Alex's mind like a cold, unrelenting fog. Mark leaned in, his breath warm against Rachel's ear. "You were so... hungry for me. It was like you couldn't get enough."

Alex's thoughts raced. He had always thought of his mother as Rachel, the loving wife and devoted mother. But now, in her body, he had experienced a side of her that was raw and uninhibited, a side that was... a slut. The word echoed in his mind, a dark whisper that both repulsed and fascinated him. He had seen glimpses of it before, in the way Rachel sometimes looked at Mark when she thought no one was watching, in the way she talked about her fantasies with her friends. But to actually live it? It was a revelation.

Alex, in Rachel's body, felt a strange thrill at the thought. She had always been the good kid, the responsible one. But now, as she lay in Mark's arms, she realized that maybe there was a part of her that had been waiting to break free, to explore the darker, more carnally driven side of herself. The slut inside her had come out to play, and it was a feeling she wasn't sure she wanted to give up.

The next morning, Alex, now Rachel, woke up early, her mind racing with excitement and nerves. She had never felt so alive, so... alive. She tiptoed into Rachel's bathroom, her eyes wide as she took in the array of makeup and beauty products. Rachel had always been so good at this, so confident in her own skin. Alex had always envied that.

He studied Rachel's reflection in the mirror, his mind racing with the memories of the night before. The way Mark had looked at Rachel's body, the way he had touched her, the way Rachel had responded. It was all so... intense. Alex knew he had to keep the secret, but he also knew he couldn't resist the temptation to explore this new side of Rachel.

With shaky hands, Alex picked up Rachel's makeup brushes, dabbing at the colors and watching as Rachel's face transformed before his eyes. He painted on a smoky eye, a bold red lip, and a spritz of Rachel's favorite perfume. The scent filled the room, and Alex felt a strange thrill as Rachel's body responded to the sensual aroma. He had never felt so... sexy.

Mark stirred in bed, his eyes blinking open to see Rachel standing in front of the mirror, looking more radiant than ever. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, not quite believing what he was seeing. Rachel's body had always been beautiful to him, but today, there was something... different. She turned to him, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and Mark felt his heart race.

"Good morning," Rachel said, her voice a sultry purr that didn't quite match the early hour. Mark couldn't tear his gaze away from Rachel's body, now adorned with makeup that accentuated every curve and feature. She looked like a different woman, a more confident, sexier version of Rachel that he had never seen before. His cock stirred, the memories of the previous night flooding back.

Alex, in Rachel's body, felt a thrill of excitement at the effect she was having on Mark. She moved to the bed, her hips swaying in a way Rachel never had. She approached him with a knowing smile, feeling Rachel's confidence and allure as if it were her own. Without a word, she knelt beside the bed, her eyes never leaving Mark's. He watched, his breath hitching, as Rachel leaned in and took him into her mouth.

The sensation was overwhelming, Rachel's body moving with a practiced ease that Alex had never felt before. Mark's eyes rolled back in his head, his hips bucking as Rachel's mouth worked him with a fervor that was both shocking and intoxicating. It didn't take long before Mark's body tensed, and with a groan, he climaxed, his release filling Rachel's mouth.

Alex felt a strange mix of satisfaction and disappointment. Rachel's body had done its job, but it was Rachel's pleasure that he had really craved. Rachel's body swallowed and then pulled away, a hint of a smirk playing on its lips. Mark leaned back, panting, his hand running through Rachel's hair. "Wow," he murmured, still dazed by the intensity of the experience. Rachel's body felt used, but Alex couldn't help the feeling of power that surged through him.

Mark kissed Rachel's forehead and climbed out of bed, his movements still languid from the early morning passion. He grabbed his clothes and started to get dressed, his eyes lingering on Rachel's body as he pulled on his shirt. Rachel felt a sudden sense of vulnerability, watching her husband get ready for work in her own body. It was as if she was seeing him with new eyes, appreciating the way his muscles moved beneath his clothes.

"You're going to be okay today, right?" Mark asked, his voice filled with concern. Rachel nodded, her hand still resting on the sheets, her mind racing with the implications of what they had just done. Mark looked at her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers before he leaned down to give her a gentle kiss. "I'll see you tonight," he said, and with a final squeeze of her hand, he was gone.

Alex's body, now Rachel, took a deep breath, the reality of the situation settling in. They had to swap back, and soon. Rachel had never felt so out of control, so... so... Rachel didn't even have the words for it. She had to get her body back before anything went wrong.

Rachel, in Alex's body, sat at the computer, her mind racing. She had to find a way to reverse the spell, to get her life back to normal. The sight of Mark leaving for work filled her with a strange mix of relief and longing. They were free to try and fix the situation now, and Rachel missed her body. She wanted to hold her husband again.

But Alex, still Rachel, had other ideas. The thrill of the night before had ignited a fire in him, and now he was in Rachel's body, he had a chance to explore all the desires he had always kept hidden. Rachel's body was a new playground, and Alex didn't want to give it up just yet. He had always been curious about Rachel's sex life, and now he had the perfect opportunity to indulge in his own fantasies.

The house was quiet, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the wall. Alex's heart raced as he thought about the day ahead. He had no intention of swapping back today. He had plans. Rachel's body was now his to command, and he had always had a secret crush on Rachel's best friend, Sarah. Today was the day he would make his move.

He picked up Rachel's phone and sent a text to Sarah, asking her to come over. Rachel had mentioned that she was going to be out all day, and Alex knew that this was his chance. He took Rachel's body into the shower, feeling the water cascade over Rachel's curves. He had never felt so alive, so... hungry for pleasure. Rachel's body was a canvas for his desires, and he was eager to explore every inch of it.

As Rachel's body washed away the sweat of the night, Alex's mind was filled with images of Sarah's body, her soft skin and her luscious curves. He had always wondered what it would be like to touch her, to kiss her, to taste her. Now, as Rachel, he could make it happen. He stepped out of the shower, his body glistening with water droplets, and walked to Rachel's closet.

The clothes were all wrong, of course. Rachel's taste in lingerie was... different. But Alex found a set that he liked, a lacy black number that made Rachel's body look absolutely sinful. He slid it on, feeling Rachel's body respond to the sensation of the fabric against her skin. The anticipation was almost too much to bear as he waited for Sarah to arrive.

Sarah knocked on the door, her voice echoing through the house. Rachel's body trembled with excitement as Alex answered it, her eyes taking in the sight of her best friend. She had never noticed before just how beautiful Sarah was, how her eyes sparkled with mischief, how her lips looked so soft and inviting. Alex felt a thrill of power, knowing that Rachel's body could have anything it wanted.

He invited her in, his voice a seductive whisper that Rachel had never heard herself use before. Sarah looked surprised, but she followed Rachel into the living room, her eyes flicking over Rachel's body with a curiosity that Alex found thrilling. Rachel's body sat down on the couch, her legs crossed in a way that Alex knew was meant to be alluring.

"What's going on?" Sarah asked, her voice filled with concern. Rachel's body leaned closer, her hand brushing against Sarah's arm. "I just needed someone to talk to," Alex said, his voice a perfect imitation of Rachel's. He could feel Rachel's body responding to the closeness, her nipples hardening beneath the fabric of her shirt.

Sarah leaned in, her eyes searching Rachel's, and Alex took the opportunity to lean in and kiss her. Rachel's body responded instinctively, her hands reaching up to cup Sarah's face, her tongue exploring her friend's mouth. The kiss was unlike anything Rachel had ever experienced, filled with a passion and hunger that Alex had never known before.

But as Rachel's body moved closer, Sarah's expression changed from one of surprise to horror. She pushed Rachel away, her hand coming up to wipe her mouth. "What the fuck, Rachel?" she spat, her eyes wide with shock. Rachel's body stumbled backward, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Alex realized his mistake too late.

Sarah shot to her feet, her face contorted with disgust. "What's gotten into you?" she yelled, her voice echoing through the quiet house. Rachel's body trembled, Alex's mind racing as he tried to find the right words to explain. But before he could say anything, Sarah had turned on her heel and was striding towards the door.

Alex watched her go, a mix of anger and desperation bubbling up inside him. He had wanted to explore Rachel's desires, but he hadn't expected this. He had thought that maybe, just maybe, he could have a taste of the forbidden. But Sarah had denied him, and now he had to find a way to get back at her.

The idea struck him like a lightning bolt. If he couldn't have Sarah, then he would take the next best thing. He knew that Sarah's husband, Tom, had always had a thing for Rachel. It was subtle, something Rachel had mentioned in passing, but Alex had never paid much attention to it before. Now, the thought filled him with a dark excitement. He would seduce Tom, make him fall for Rachel's body, and then watch as Sarah's perfect world crumbled around her.

Alex called Tom and asked him to swing by after work, that it was important. He waited, Rachel's body taut with anticipation, for Tom to come from work. He had Rachel's makeup skills down pat now, and had chosen an outfit that was sure to drive Tom wild. A tight, low-cut dress that clung to Rachel's curves, leaving little to the imagination. He had practiced Rachel's sultry look in the mirror, the one that had always made Mark's eyes glaze over. He was ready for this.

When Tom finally walked through the door, his eyes widened at the sight of Rachel. Rachel's body moved with a grace that Alex had never felt before, her hips swaying as she sauntered over to him. "Hi, Tom," Rachel's voice purred, her hand running down his arm as she offered him a drink. Alex watched, thrilled, as Tom's eyes followed the movement of Rachel's hand. The plan was working.

They talked for a while, small talk that Alex filled with innuendo and double entendres that Rachel's body had never used before. Tom's eyes grew darker, his breathing more ragged. Alex could see the desire in them, and it fueled his own. He had Rachel's body lean in closer, their faces almost touching. "I've been thinking about you," Rachel whispered, her hand reaching up to cup Tom's cheek. Alex felt Rachel's heart racing, her body reacting to the situation in a way that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

Tom didn't need much more encouragement. His hand found Rachel's waist, pulling her closer. Alex felt Rachel's body melt into the embrace, her arms wrapping around Tom's neck. They kissed, Rachel's body moving with an eagerness that was both Rachel's and Alex's. Tom's hands roamed Rachel's body, and Alex reveled in the feeling of power, of Rachel's desires coming to life under his control.

The kiss grew more heated, Rachel's body grinding against Tom's. Alex could feel Rachel's arousal building, and it was all he could do to keep the smirk from Rachel's face. He had her push Tom down onto the couch, Rachel's body straddling him, her hands unbuttoning his shirt. Tom's eyes were hooded with lust, and Alex felt Rachel's body pulse with excitement. This was his revenge, and it was going to be sweet.

Their bodies tangled together, Rachel's hands exploring Tom's chest, her mouth on his neck. Alex felt Rachel's arousal peak, her body quivering with need. He had her push Tom's pants down, Rachel's hand wrapping around his erection, her thumb stroking the length of it. Tom's eyes rolled back in his head, his hands gripping Rachel's hips, urging her closer.

The room was filled with the sound of their muffled moans, Rachel's body moving with a rhythm that was both Rachel's and Alex's. Alex watched, feeling Rachel's pleasure as if it were his own, feeling the power of Rachel's body as it claimed Tom. It was a heady feeling, one that made his own cock throb with need.

"You're such a slut, Rachel," Tom grunted, his eyes never leaving Rachel's. Rachel's body responded with a wicked smile, her hips moving faster as she took him deeper. Alex reveled in the dirty talk, Rachel's body saying things she had never dreamed of before. "Oh, yes," Rachel's body murmured, her voice a sultry purr. "I'm such a dirty, little slut for you."

Tom's grip tightened on Rachel's hips, his thrusts growing more erratic as he approached his climax. Rachel's body leaned back, her breasts bouncing with every movement, her eyes locked on Tom's face. "You like that, don't you?" Rachel's voice was a taunt, a challenge that Tom couldn't resist. "You like fucking me like this, like a cheap whore?"

Tom's eyes blazed with passion, his voice strained as he replied, "God, yes. You're so fucking tight, Rachel. You're the best I've ever had." Rachel's body shuddered, Alex's mind spinning with the knowledge that Rachel had never felt this before. The dirty talk was a drug, making Rachel's body wetter, making her want more.

Alex had Rachel's body lean in, her teeth grazing Tom's ear. "Fuck me harder," Rachel's voice was a demand now, her body craving the release. "Make me scream." And Tom did, his hips slamming into Rachel's, his cock hitting all the right spots. Rachel's body arched, her eyes squeezed shut as the orgasm washed over her.

Tom groaned, his body tensing as he came, Rachel's body milking him for every drop. They lay there, panting, Rachel's body still trembling with the aftershocks of their union. Alex felt a twisted sense of triumph, Rachel's body now marked by his desires. He had taken Rachel's body and used it to get what he wanted, and the power was intoxicating.

But as Rachel's body lay there, Alex's mind began to reel with the reality of what he had done. Rachel was his mother, and he had just used her body to have sex with her best friend's husband. The guilt was a cold, hard knot in his stomach, but it was the fear that gripped him the most. What would happen when Rachel found out? What would Mark say? What would their lives look like after this?

Alex pushed the thoughts aside as Rachel's body climbed off Tom, her legs wobbly from the intensity of the encounter. She walked to the kitchen, her movements still languid and sensual, and poured herself a glass of water. As she drank, Rachel's eyes caught hers in the reflection of the fridge. She saw a hunger in them that she had never seen before, a hunger that was all Alex's doing. Rachel had been a faithful wife, a loving mother, but now, she was a woman with a secret, a woman who had tasted the forbidden fruit and liked it.

The day passed in a blur of lust and planning. Rachel's body went through the motions of being a wife and mother, but Alex's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't get the feel of Tom's cock out of Rachel's mind, the way it had filled her up and made her feel so alive. He had never felt anything like it, and he wanted more. Rachel had always talked about the struggles of her marriage, the lack of passion and excitement, and Alex had rolled his eyes. But now, he understood.

As Mark left for work the next day, Rachel's body watched him go with a sense of detachment. Alex had no intention of swapping back today. Not when there was so much more to explore. Rachel had never been adventurous in bed, but Alex was going to change that. He had Rachel's body put on a short skirt and a tight top, the kind that always got Mark's attention. But today, Rachel's body was going to get more than just Mark's attention.

The doorbell rang, and Rachel's body opened the door to find Mark's best friend, Dave, standing there. Alex had always known that Dave had a thing for Rachel, the way he looked at her at parties, the way he talked to her. Rachel had never noticed, or at least, she had never acted on it. But now, Rachel's body had no qualms about inviting him in, her hand running down his chest as she whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

They barely made it to the bedroom before Rachel's body was on her knees, her mouth wrapped around Dave's cock. Alex felt Rachel's body come alive with every moan and gasp that Dave made, her hands moving with a newfound confidence. Rachel had never been so bold, so brazen, but Alex was enjoying every second of it.

The day turned into a blur of lovers, Rachel's body moving from one to the next, each encounter more intense than the last. Alex had Rachel's body text Mark, telling him she had a headache and didn't feel like cooking dinner. He didn't care about the lie, didn't care about the consequences. All he knew was that Rachel's body was his playground, and he was going to use it to its fullest extent.

The house was a whirlwind of passion, Rachel's moans echoing through the halls as Alex lived out every dark fantasy he had ever had. The men who came and went were a blur of faces and hands and cocks, each one a new adventure in Rachel's body. She had become a cheating whore, a slutty bitch who craved the attention of anyone who would give it to her. And Alex loved every minute of it.

As the sun began to set, Rachel's body was exhausted, her limbs heavy with satisfaction. Alex sat on the edge of the bed, Rachel's hand idly playing with the mess of her hair. She had never felt so alive, so powerful. The guilt was still there, a dull throb in the back of her mind, but it was overshadowed by the excitement, the thrill of the new Rachel she had become.

Her phone buzzed on the nightstand, a text from Mark asking how she was feeling. Rachel's body felt a pang of sadness, a longing for the simplicity of her old life. But Alex's mind was made up. This was the new Rachel, the woman who took what she wanted, who didn't let a little thing like marriage get in the way of her desires.

The front door slammed, and Rachel's body sat up, a fresh spark of excitement in her eyes. It was Mark, home from work. Alex had Rachel's body pull on a robe, her body still flushed from the day's activities. She knew she had to face the music, knew that she couldn't keep this up forever. But for now, she was going to enjoy every second of the ride.

As Rachel approached the door, Mark took in the sight of his wife, her hair a mess, her eyes gleaming with a hunger he had never seen before. Rachel felt a twinge of fear, of regret, but Alex was in control now. Rachel's body stepped aside, allowing Mark to enter. And as he did, Rachel knew that she was forever changed. She was a slut now, and nothing would ever be the same again.

The tension in the room was palpable as Mark's eyes searched Rachel's face, looking for answers she wasn't ready to give. Rachel's body moved closer, her hand reaching out to touch him, to soothe him. But Alex had other plans. Rachel's hand dropped to her robe, her fingers playing with the tie. "I've been waiting for you," she murmured, her voice a seductive whisper that didn't sound like hers at all.

Mark's eyes widened as Rachel's body dropped the robe, revealing the slutty lingerie she had picked out earlier. Rachel felt her heart race, her body responding to the lust in Mark's gaze. Alex had Rachel's body push Mark against the wall, her mouth on his, her hands on his belt.

Their bodies moved together, Rachel's hips grinding against Mark's, her breasts pressing into his chest. It was a dance they had done countless times before, but now, it was different. Rachel's body knew what it wanted, knew how to get it, and Mark was just another conquest in a long line of men.

Mark's cock slid into Rachel's pussy, her body tight around him despite the earlier activity. Alex felt Rachel's walls clench around him, her muscles remembering the feel of all the men who had come before. The sensation was strange, but not unpleasant. Rachel's body was a vessel for his desires, and he was going to use it to the fullest.

They fucked, Rachel's body moving with a passion that was almost feral. Mark's hands gripped her hips, his eyes never leaving hers. Rachel's mouth was open in a silent scream, her eyes glazed over with lust. Each thrust brought her closer to the edge, her body trembling with the effort of holding back. Alex reveled in the feeling, Rachel's pleasure his own.

They reached their climax together, Rachel's body convulsing around Mark's cock as he filled her with his seed, lost in the sea of cum the flooded her throughout the day. Alex felt Rachel's mind reeling, the guilt and confusion swirling with the pleasure. This wasn't right, but it felt so good. As they lay there, panting and sweaty, Rachel's hand found Mark's, their fingers intertwining.

"I love you," Mark murmured, his eyes filled with concern and confusion.

Rachel's body tensed, Alex's mind racing. He had to tell him, had to explain. But Rachel's voice, now his, was all he could hear. "I love you too," Rachel whispered back, and Alex felt the weight of his mother's love and his own deceit crushing down on him. He was living a lie, and he fucking loved it.

Monday 20 November 2023

Brain Drain

Everyone looked at Sam as a genius, especially his girlfriend Mary. She was head over heels in love with him, and him for her. The two shared a common bond: both were nerds; social outcasts. And being nerds in high school brought on other hurdles.

One day, Mary ran to her loving boyfriend, crying her eyes out. The school bitch Taylor was tormenting her once again. Taylor was a mean, rich, spoiled brat who grep up getting everything she ever wanted. She was beautiful, with long flowing hair, eyes you could get lost in, and huge globular tits that were definitely paid for by her daddy. She had the perfect life, and loved to let people know how much better her life was than theirs. Mary couldn't take the bullying anymore.

"Please Sam, you're the smartest guy I know, you have to find a way to stop that bitch from harrassing me over and over, every day."

Sam was determined now to find a solution. He spent days researching and working on a project, something he hoped would solve his girlfriend's problems. His invention was ambitious, and maybe even a bit cruel, but in his eyes, Taylor deserved it. Putting the finishing touches on his invention, he was pleased. Now he just had to test it out.


Taylor arrived at Sam's place. The nerd reached out to her and promised he'd do all of her homework so long as she left his girlfriend alone. She agreed to come by and drop off her school work, but had no intentions of keeping up her end of the bargain.

Walking through the door, she saw the place was empty. "HELLO?? NERD BOY!" she yelled throughout the house.

"Downstairs" he replied. Taylor groaned. Now she actually had to walk through this dork's house? She made her way down the basement in a huff, only to be greeted by darkness.

"No lights in your poor people house?" she said, finding a couch to sit on. She had to tell her friends about this weirdo's lame ass house. Picking up her phone, she went to make a phone call, smiling about all the awful things she was gonna tell her friends. But her smile faded quickly when she turned to see Sam covering her head with something.

The bowl-like device snapped into place on the top of her head as she tried to scream. It almost looked like a strainer, but with weird electrical gizmos and tubes attached to it. Sam sat Taylor down as she flung her arms wildly in an effort to stop him. She put up a fight, trying to yank the thing off of her, but once Sam hit the "Drain" button on his remote, she stopped, and her head sank.

Sam watched as the tubes attached to the rounded helmet carried a pink fluid through it, from her head towards the small fluid tank he set up. If his calculations were correct, and they usually were, this pink fluid being ejected from Taylor's brain was everything that made her who she was: an evil, bitchy brat who loved bullying nerds like Mary relentlessly. Seeing the final drops of pink liquid drip from the tubes, Sam went to check on Taylor, who was clueless as to what had just happened.

"Uhhh like ummm like where am I? And like, who are you and like, stuff??" she questioned her captor, unable to remember even the most basic things. Her brain was empty now, and although Sam felt a little bad, he knew his girlfriend was safe from her now.

As Sam prepared to release Taylor, he wondered what was really in the pink liquid. What would happen if he injected some of it into his own brain? Would he learn why this bitch had been bullying Mary so much?

His curiosity got the best of him, and he removed the metallic hat from Taylor. He hit the reverse button on his remote, and once again hit the drain button. The pink liquid started rushing up the tube, faster than he anticipated, as Taylor's memories and personality oozed into his mind.

"Noo! I didn't want it all!" he exclaimed, trying to remove the device from his head, but it was impossible to take off. Memories of growing up as a spoiled, rich girl bled into his brain, being rewarded for being mean haunted his thoughts. His head clouded with images of expensive clothes and jewelry, of makeup tutorials, of many boys. Then he started to see Mary in his head. She looked Sam's mind was fighting with Taylor's for power. He needed to, for Mary's sake. Finally, the last of the liquid was sucked up through the tubes, freeing Sam from his own contraption. With two people fighting for control in his head, he accidentally slammed the device on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

After a moment, Sam seemed to settle down. He looked down at the mistake he'd just made. "I have to fix this..." he whispered to himself. Sam noticed Taylor was still seated, wondering what was going on. He quickly sent her home, which he had to give her directions for. With her out of his hair now, he got to work.


Over the following days, Mary had come to Sam more and more happy each day. Taylor had stopped bullying people, and all the nerds in school were free of her reign of terror. Sam, who hadn't told Mary it was him who fixed her problem, just smiled and supported Mary while he secretly worked on his solution. After a week of hard work, he had finally finished his project. He called Taylor, who had no idea what was going on, to come by the house again. When she arrived, he brought her back to the basement, where a new pair of devices sat.

He sat her down and set one up on her head, then took a seat of his own and strapped himself in. Sam smiled evilly and hit the new "Swap" button on his remote, sending electric shocks through both of their bodies. It lasted only a few seconds, and when it was over, Sam opened his eyes. He looked around in a daze, only to see his own body, dumbfounded. It worked exactly as expected! Sam was in Taylor's body, while the opposite was true for Sam's old body.

She laughed. "Now that I have my correct body, I don't have to play the part of the lowly nerd anymore! I'm Taylor, in body and mind. I'll be keeping that nerd's memories buried deep in my mind, it'll make bullying that dweeb Mary soooo much hotter." She picked up her things and headed upstairs, looking back at Sam. "From boy genius to dumb as bricks, enjoy your new life loser."


Mary was depressed again. Her bully Tay was back to her bitchy self, maybe even worse than she once was. And even worse, her sweet, genius boyfriend had suddenly changed. She thought he may have had an accident while experimenting with his inventions, because now he was almost lost in life. He had trouble dressing himself, he was barely communicative, and he had a terrible memory. Worst of all, Tay seemed to use this as a cruel way of picking on her now.

"Aww, what's wrong? Your little retard can't feed himself anymore? Hairy Mary has such great taste in guys!" she ridiculed, laughing with her cronies.

"Look at the creep, he's just ogling you Tay! How gross!" one of her friend's said.

"Bet he'd go crazy looking at your bod" another chimed in.

Tay smirked as she pulled her pants down and posed for her former body, and they all watched as Sam drooled over her perfect figure. Tay stepped on Mary's feet in her heels as she went to leave. "Oh, and by the way, we all know you still wet the bed." Mary began bawling her eyes out. How could she know such an intimate detail about her? Tay and her bitch pack laughed at the pathetic girl crying in the hall. Thanks to Sam's memories, she had all the ammunition she would ever need against Mary...

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Role Reverser

Growing up in Vince and Tony's house wasn't easy. The brothers, despite being close in age, were always at war with one another, trying to win over the little affection their parents gave them. At times things actually got physical, and the two would have to be forced away from one another for hours, sometimes even days. Now that Vince was 20 and Tony was 18, the physical bouts were plentiful and far more drastic. Insults were shouted, bruises were exchanged and blood was drawn. Their parents had finally had enough, and told them they had a week to pack up their shit and get out.

Vince was fuming. His little shit of a brother was fucking his life up. Vince was quite intelligent and was preparing to go back to school to get his degree in law, while his brother was quite dull and full of rage. He was often the cause for a lot of their fights. He desperately wanted to be rid of him so he could carry on with his life normally. Rummaging through the attic for his belongings, Vince stumbled upon a hidden strange device. It looked kind of like a gun, but it was more futuristic-looking. There was a small screen on the side of the gun, but it was empty. Turning it over, a label read "Role Reverser". Unsure of what the device was actually meant for, he figured he's keep it handy, just in case his brother tried to pick another fight.

Right on cue, Tony waltzed into the attic, his face red with anger. It didn't take long for him to start screaming profanities at his brother once again for taking up all the space in the attic. Fed up with his bullshit, Vince pointed the gun-like object at Tony and pulled the trigger.

Time seemed to stop for a moment. Well, at least Tony was frozen in place. The display on the side of the gun lit up and started taking down information about Tony, such as his gender, weight, height, hair colour, etc. Even personality traits and personal details about him were showing up, like his temper issues and his hatred for his brother. Just about everything there was to know about Tony was appearing on the device. Once the progress bar reached 100%, all the information inverted. His gender changed from male to female, his hair colour from brown to black, skin colour from white to black, his sexual preferences from female to male, anything and everything the device had tracked about Tony was completely opposite on the screen now.

Vince looked up at his brother, who he noticed was beginning to change too. His hair began the darken until it was a pitch black, and soon his skin followed, becoming a light chocolate. His stature became more petite, standing at a measly 5'5" compared to his previous 6'3". His eyebrows became flawless, as did his beautiful brown eyes. Nose narrowing to create a perfect bridge, his mouth plumped up slightly, giving off a sultry look. With a fully feminized face, Vince drew his attention to the swelling masses growing on his brother's chest. They weren't huge, but they were definitely recognizable as sizable tits. His waist slimmed as the hair that used to be present on his back and chest seemed to vanish. The bulge in his crotch shrunk until it was non-existent, which Vince could only assume meant his dick was gone, replaced by a pussy. His wife beater and jeans were replaced by a beautiful black tube top and skirt along with matching heels.

What Vince didn't see was the changes that happened in Tony's mind. He no longer felt like a Tony, nor even a "he", but rather she was Tori. Everything about Tori's thoughts were flipped including her sexuality. Instead of loving fucking tight pussy like Tony, she loved fucking huge cocks. But most importantly her hatred for her brother was gone, replaced by love. When her IQ flipped from 85 to 130, she recognized the situation she was in and with her new quick thinking skills she devised a plan.

Eyeing up her white brother, a look of evil lust smeared across her face, and with a beckoning finger, she lured her prey in. "Ever fuck a black woman before big brother?" she asked coyly, kicking her heels off and sitting down in a chair. "Well here's your chance. Worship me and I'll let you fuck me."

Confused but not wanting to miss his chance, he obeyed and dropped to his knees to worship the feet being flaunted in front of him. Vince found himself getting really turned on, rubbing and spitting on the feet of the Goddess sat before him. He didn't care that this woman used to be his brother, right now she was his lover.

"Good job Vinny, now let me get a taste of that cock of yours. Y'know I'm a real sucker for big cock now, so if you're anything close to how big I used to be, all will be fine." Allowing her sibling to rise to his feet, she waited impatiently for him to make his way to her chair. Upon arrival, she fought aggressively with his jeans, unzipping and unbuttoning the prison guarding her prize. Yanking his pants and underwear down in one swift motion, her jaw dropped. "God damn this thing is massive!" she said, drooling slightly. In an instant, the meat stick was lodged in her mouth. Sounds of wet sloshing and slurping filled the room as Vince started to moan. This was the best head he's ever gotten in his life!

With one hand on her brother's cock and the other squeezing her own fat ass, the egotistical bitch moaned hard when Vince grabbed her head and forced it farther onto his dick. "Easy baby, a girl can only take so much at once!" Groping his balls while she continued to work her magic, Tori started to feel a burning need in her new pussy, a need that was so familiar,  yet never felt before. A need to be filled.

"Vinny baby, I need to be a good big brother and fuck my pussy, kay?" she ordered. Vince was lost in the heat of the moment, he didn't care what she asked of him, whatever it was he'd do it for her. 

He picked the bitch up off the chair and tossed her onto the nearby couch. Joining her, he eased his dick into her dripping slit, having a hard time penetrating. "God damn you're tight as fuck, guess that makes sense seeing as it's your first time" he said,  finally pushing his way into her. Quickly, he began to pump in and out of the slut, her moans increasing in pitch and volume.

"Fuuuuuck yes Vinnyyyyyy, fuck your little sister sooooo good!" she screamed at her lover, feeling waves of pleasure blast through her young and nubile body. Reaching her climax before Vince, she realized it was time to finish what she started.

"Pull out baby, I want you to cum on my feet" she said seductively. Vince was more than happy to oblige. Removing his dick from her snatch, he started jerking it. He was close to cumming, but he needed a little more convincing from his hand to get the job done.

While he was distracted jerking his dick, Tori found the "Role Reverser" Vince had just used on her. Now that she was a brilliant young woman rather than a dull young man, she knew what this device was used for. Pointing it at Vince, she pulled the trigger.

"Vinny baby, I love you, but I know what you did to me. Believe me, I love the new me more far more than the old me, and that's why I'm returning the favour. See you in a few, sister."

Without much time to react, all Vince let out before he froze was an exasperated "NOO!" The display on the device lit up once again and Tori watched excitedly as her brother began his transformation. The first noticable change was his skin colour, rapidly darkening even moreso than Tori's. His hair, however, didn't become quite as black, but rather a long dark brown with slutty fading blonde dye. Despite being older, Vince actually ended up a few inches shorter than his sister, standing at 5'3". His masculine features shifted to become more and more feminine, eventually settling in on a beautiful 20 year old black woman's face. His body hair disintegrated while it reshaped itself, giving him an hourglass-like shape. Just as had happened to Tori, his skin expanded in the appropriate places for a young sexy woman like herself, her chest growing titties that matched her sister's, while her ass became bigger, but not quite as firm as Tori's. His dick receded into his body, cum dribbling out from being unable to finish earlier. All that remained in it's place was a perfect vagina, just begging to be explored. Completing the image of the beauty, his clothes turned to shreds, replaced by delicate lingerie.

Not long after his body was complete, his mind diminished. Vince was gone, and Victoria took over. Thoughts of hot girls and despising her sibling were reversed. Now her brain was full of hunky men and a new love for her sister, now her best friend. Together the two girls had fucked and sucked so many guys they had lost count. Vic was so glad her sister was in her life. Thinking was sooo hard for her now since her IQ dropped by about 50 points. Her sister was so smart and always knew how to lure men into their trap.

Vic's transformation was complete. Without a second to spare, the front door opened. Peering down the hall, the girls saw their father. With her quick thinking and a smug look, Tori grabbed her bimbo sister by the wrist and dragged her down the hall to introduce themselves.

"Who are you, and why are you in my house?" he asked, somewhat scared of the duo of strangers in his house.

"We're friends of Vince and Tony, but to you we're your dream come true" she responded, eyeing her father from head to toe and licking her lips. "You like what you see?"

"Uhh...well...I'm married-"

"That's not what I asked."

"Yes, I like what I see."

"Good. Do we make you hard?" Tori asked in a sexy tone, already knowing her father's response.

"Absolutely." His trousers outlined a noticeable bulge.

"God damn honey that thing looks bigger than the last cock I had. Mind if we take a look?" She already had her hand on his bulge while Vic grabbed him by the head and pulled him in for a kiss. He didn't fight it.

"It's all yours." The girls sank to their knees for their dad, both latching onto his pants. Tori was very particular and methodical in disassembling his belt, while Vic was more hasty and clumsy, grasping for her dad's cock before it was revealed. It was her first since the transformation and she couldn't be more ecstatic. Exposing his member, the sisters gasped at the sheer girth of it. It was definitely bigger than Vince's.

Vic couldn't take it and tried to jump on the man, but was pulled back by Tori. "Not yet, me first" she demanded. Upset, Vic sat back and watched as her sister layed on her back to take the etirety of her dad down her throat. She couldn't just sit and watch though, so she decided to eat her sister's pussy for her. It's what a good sis does after all. The girls moaned and groaned in their incestuous threesome, part of the pleasure coming from the fact that their dad is cheating on their mom, part of it knowing their dad doesn't know he's fucking his daughters.

Tori decided to treat her sister. Removing the cock from her wet sleeve, she told Vic to get on all fours. Vic was giddy, complying with everything her sister asked of her. "Fuck her doggy style daddy. Careful, that bitch is tight." Without hesitation, he slipped his saliva-covered cock into his daughter's soaking cunt, feeling her vaginal muscles squeeze the whole way. Vic let out a loud moan as her feeling of emptiness disappeared. Tori stood above her sister, ass sticking out towards the man's face. "Now eat my ass while you fuck."

The man had never eaten ass before but he felt he had an obligation to. Not second guessing himself, he dove his face into Tori's asshole, tonguing her hole like he would his wife's pussy when they were teens. Tori looked down at her sister who was lost in the pure ecstasy of the situation. Smiling, she knew she had corrupted both her sister and her dad beyond repair.

Seeing her dad start twitching, Tori knew he was about to bust. "Pull it out and cum for us daddy" she begged, lying on her back with her tits in her hands. It didn't take long for him to glaze Tori with his sticky seed, Vic trying to intercept the cum with her mouth.

Laying in the hot mess they created, Tori looked at her sister's cum-covered face. "Guess we don't need to fight over daddy anymore." Gone were the days of their family rivalry, the brothers-turned-sisters were closer than ever.

Friday 12 November 2021

Stone of Desire

Nick and Aidan were baffled. They had just discovered the powers held within the strange artifact the two boys found while out in their science walk through the woods. For a while they thought nothing much of it, until on their trek home, Aidan, with the stone in his hand, wished they were already home, as his feet were sore from walking around so much. The next thing the two of them knew, they were back at Aidan’s place.

“That didn’t really just happen, did it?” Nick questioned, his mind still spinning. “I mean, it’s scientifically impossible for us to move a mile in the blink of an eye.”

“Right…” Aidan replied, scratching his head. He was just as puzzled. “How did that even happen?” The guys sat around for a while, wondering what could have triggered the supernatural event to occur. They were lost, until Aidan’s stomach got the better of him. “Man, I really wish we had some pizza right now, wanna order some?” he asked his best friend, when seconds later, a pizza fresh out of the oven, appeared before them.

“Woah…Aidan, I think that stone we found out in the woods is causing this stuff to happen” Nick said, pointing at the rock still clenched in his friend’s fist. “Here, let me try something. I wish I had more chest hair.” As the words left his mouth, he felt a tingle on his chest. Lifting his shirt up, he witnesses hair grow from his chest until he had a full patch.

“Imagine what we could do with this kind of power…” Aidan trailed off, thinking about Eric and his gang of bullies from school, how they had picked on Aidan and Nick all throughout high school for being geeky. “What if we gave Eric what was finally coming to him” he mentioned to his friend, as he watched his smile widen. “What if we make him fall in love with one of the hot girls at school, then make her break his heart!”

“Yeah…Or, what if one of US becomes a hot girl, seduces Eric, then breaks his heart, that way we get the satisfaction of doing it” Nick countered.

“That sounds great, but how do we decide who has to be the girl?” Then, Aidan got an idea. “Oh! How about we flip a coin for it?”

“Works for me” Nick added. “Flip a coin? Heads you’re the chick, tails I am.” Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out a dime/ He flicked it into the air, caught it in his hand, and flipped it onto his arm. “Heads. Looks like you’re getting a makeover Aidan” he laughed.

Aidan wasn’t happy about it, but a deal is a deal. Nick held the totem in his hand, saying aloud “I wish Aidan was a hot 18 year-old girl.”

Aidan felt a tingle, similar to the one Nick felt, but this was all over his body. He felt his figure shrinking, and soon his clothes hung from his body much more loosely. The former 5′11″, 150 lbs guy now sat there at 5′8″ and 120 lbs.

He felt his legs; the hair was removed right from under his hand as he stroked his now smooth, long, sexy legs. Still feeling his new perfect legs, his ass expanded, creating a booty to die for. With this, his hips became more prominent and his waist was now slender. Completing the hour glass figure, his boobs swelled up, giving him an ample bosom. His arms felt longer in proportion to his smaller body, as his armpit hair vanished and his hands became soft, delicate. 

The tingling reached his throat, and he felt his vocals cords changing on him. He knew he now had a voice to match his feminine body. His lips pushed outwards, now more plump and full than moments before. His nose became more petite and feminine, as his eyes now glowed with perfection. He watched as his hair lengthened and turned a nice blonde, a look he was usually into.

He thought the changes were over when he felt his dick getting smaller and smaller, until it disappeared, leaving him with just a pussy in it’s place. His clothes changed into something more suitable for his body. Tattoos etched themselves into his body, on both forearms. A pair of tight blue jeans and a white crop top replaced his former outfit. Jewelry and make up shimmered across his body, leaving him a complete beacon of beauty.

He stood up, looked at himself in the mirror, and looked at Nick. “So…how do I look?” Aidan asked him.

“Yeah, you look uhh, like a girl I guess” Nick replied, barely able to believe what he just witnessed.

“Oh come on, even I want to bang me. Just don’t you get any ideas though. That is not happening” Aidan told his buddy. “Ok, now what’s next?”

“Now, we introduce you to Eric” Nick said to Aidan, watching him find his centre of balance. “I know Eric tries to stay active, so he goes for runs every morning before school. That’s where you meet him.”

“Perfect. I’ll be there tomorrow morning” Aidan said, excited to get this plan into action. “Oh, what should my name be?”

“Right, we can’t be calling you Aidan anymore can we? Hmmmm” Nick thought. “How about Ashley? Ash for short, seems like a cute name to me.”

“Ash works for me.” Upon deciding on his new girl name, the two disbanded.


Aidan met Nick right by Eric’s place at 7 AM the next morning. The two waited until they saw Eric emerge from his home in his running outfit.

“It’s showtime” Nick said, shoving his friend out into the open. As Aidan, or Ashley, began jogging up to Eric, he watched his ass sway from side to side. His dick was getting hard. He knew it was wrong, but Ashley was so fucking hot like this. He had to focus on the task at hand.


Half an hour later, he saw his friend and Eric returning from their run. Eric was laughing. It was working!

“So, is he into you?” Nick asked, meeting up with Aidan afterwards.

“Totally” he replied, extending his hand out for a high five.

Nick slapped his buddy’s hand. “Alright, what did you do to make him like you so much?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I kinda just laughed at his jokes. Oh, and I bent over to tie my shoes a couple times, making sure to stick this bad boy high in the air for him to see” he answered, pointing his big booty at his friend and giving it a slap.

Nick just laughed, trying to conceal his hard on. This is gonna be tough he thought.

The next day, the two decided to meet up after school to discuss more of their plot to toy with Eric’s emotions.

“Y’know man, I’m still feeling pretty uncomfortable with this body” Aidan told Nick. “It’s just weird not having a dick, and having to flirt with guys and stuff.”

“Okay, well how about I make another wish, for you to be more comfortable in your body?” he suggested.

Aidan’s face lit up. “It’s worth a shot, give it a try” he replied. 

Nick got up and grabbed the little artifact. “I wish Aidan was more comfortable in his body.” he said aloud. Moments passed. Nothing seemed to happen. He questioned his friend to see if anything had changed. “You feel anything man?”

“Nope, still feels the same to me. It’s a little warm in here though.” he replied, as he got up and took his pants off. There he was, standing in the room with Nick, with nothing but a tank top and underwear on.

“Dude, what the hell are you doing? You said you weren’t gonna show off your body like that.” Nick quickly popped a squat, hiding his rock hard dick.

“What do you mean? I’m just getting more comfortable, chill out” he rebuttaled.

Nick was amazed. It seemed Aidan didn’t even remember Nick making the wish for him to be more comfortable with his body. And in addition to that, the stone twisted his words and changed his wish. He was starting to wonder if he could have some fun with this whole situation…

The following day, Aidan went on his routine morning run with Eric, spending more and more time with him so he would become attached to the blonde beauty. So far, everything was working perfectly. Eric was on Aidan’s fish line and any day now it would be time to cut him loose.

Nick, however, started getting some other ideas in his head. While Ash was out with Eric, Nick was in his room, totem in hand, making a few changes every morning. “I wish Ash acted more feminine” he spoke to the stone in his hand.

Later that day, Aidan met up with Nick for their daily briefing on the plan. Today, before Aidan showed up, Nick cranked the heat up in his house. Entering his house, Aidan was blown back by the heat. “Damn man, like your place is so warm” he told Nick, taking his shirt off, left only in a blue polka-dot bra and jean shorts.

“Yeah, sorry about that, the heating system in my house has been acting up lately” he said, watching his friend strip.

“No shit, huh?” Aidan replied, bitterly, as he started to undo his shorts. Soon after, Nick was alone in his house with a hot 18 year-old girl in just a bra and matching panties.

They talked for a while about the plan. Nick was waiting for Aidan to take the rest of his outfit off. After a while, he nudged at him. “So, you still find it hot in here?” he asked.

Yeah, I’m burning up”

“Well maybe you should take off the rest of your clothes, that should help with the heat problem” Nick grinned.

“No way, you think I’m getting nude in front of you? Get the fuck outta here with that man, I already said I wasn’t down for that” Aidan replied, furiously. “Alright, well I think we’ve talked enough, I’m gonna head home. Tomorrow’s the big day”. Aidan threw his clothes back on and walked back to his place. Nick was upset that things didn’t go his way, but he was ready for tomorrow…

Once again, the next morning Ash and Eric went on their run, while Nick sat in his room, making a wish. This time, Nick knew things would go the way he wanted them to go. For a week now, he had to sit around with this gorgeous blonde babe and he couldn’t make a move, since she denied him every time. But now, things were going to be different.

“I wish Ash would act more slutty” he spoke, feeling the energy of the stone. Now, when they met up before Ash’s date with Eric tonight, things would be moving in a different direction…


Later on that night, Nick heard a knock on his door. Opening it, he saw Ash in a gorgeous red dress and black heels, complete with a layer of make up to enhance some of her best features. He was speechless.

She let herself in as he gazed at her. “Hey baby…” she said in a sexy voice, walking past him, her chest puffed out and a finger sliding along his arm as she entered. “Are you ready for tonight? The plan is finally being put into action.” She strode across the living room, her ass in a sexy sway. She knew he was staring at her perfect ass as she moved away from him, and she smiled.

“Ye-yeah, I’m ready for it” Nick replied, still a little hesitant about this whole situation. This was his best friend after all, and he was using the wishing stone to manipulate his mind. But as he watched Ash take a seat on his red leather chair, displaying her massive cleavage and panties for him, he decided this was the right call.

“Great” Ash replied, patting the seat beside her. Nick quickly made his way over to the sofa. Ash stood up and looked Nick in the eyes. She didn’t say another word. She moved toward him and grabbed his mouth with her lips. They started to make out, tongues clashing and moaning. Ash pulled out her phone to take a selfie of the two of them kissing. He reached behind Ash to grab a handful of her full ass, squeezing and massaging it as she led him upstairs. 

Entering Nick’s room, she pushed him up against the wall. “Get ready for the night of your life baby…” she whispered in his ear as she sank to the floor. Nick closed his eyes, ready for Ash to begin tugging at his pants. But it didn’t happen. He wondered what was taking so long. Opening his eyes, fear struck him. 

Ash was holding the totem in front of him with a huge grin on her face. “I’m glad it’s finally my turn to use this” she said. “I don’t know why we were so mad at Eric. He has a pretty nice cock y’know. I was just begging if I could see his rod before our little “work out” this morning. His dick is much nicer than what I used to have, and definitely nicer than what you have down there. Don’t think I haven’t seen the tiny little hard ons you get from looking at me. And you thought you could have ever been with a girl as hot as me? Pathetic. Well, this is the end of your free ride Nick.” she gazed at his frightened face. “I wish you didn’t remember anything about the powers this stone holds.” Suddenly, Nick didn’t look scared anymore, just confused. “I wish you didn’t remember who I used to be, I’ve always been Ashley to you.”

“Umm, Ashley, what are you doing in my house?” Nick asked, puzzled, yet excited that he might be getting some action for the first time in his life.

“Oh, nothing…yet…” she said coyly, watching his expression light up. “You still gonna do that homework for me baby?” she asked with her puppy eyes.

“Yeah, of course Ashley!” Nick stammered out.

“Perfect. See you at school Nick…” Ash said, leaving Nick’s house, totem in hand.

Ash spent the next day making some improvements to her life. Since that loser Nick was voluntarily doing all of her homework for her, she had a lot more spare time. She held the totem in her hand and made some wishes.

“I wish I was a really good cock sucker”

She felt her lips tingle.

“I wish I had the stamina of a bull”

Suddenly she felt full of energy.

“I wish my family was rich”

Looking around her room, it grew twice as big. Her closet was almost bigger than her room, filled to the brim with a collection of stylish outfits.

Satisfied with her wishes for now, she set the totem aside. She stood up to get changed into the new sexy outfit she just bought. She knew all the boys would go crazy over her if she was wearing this. Throwing on the slutty outfit, she messaged Eric.

“Hey baby what do you say we meet up tonight for some fun ;)”

“I’m having people come to my place for a party tonight, you should come” he replied. She smiled reading this. She finished getting ready, doing her make up, her nails, and even herself before she left, just to hold her over until she met up with Eric tonight.

She strolled into her new backyard, where a beautiful pool now sat. She looked into the glass reflection of the door to see herself. She was ready. Picking up the totem and tossing it into her designer purse, she took off for Eric’s Party.

Ash showed up to Eric’s party and all eyes were on her instantly. Her tits were on display for everyone to see. Eric ran up to her quickly and pulled her aside.

“Ash, what the hell are you doing? Your tits are showing!” he exclaimed.

“So what? You’re not the boss of me” she shot back at him.

“But, you’re my girlfriend, you can’t go around parading your body like that” Eric said, pissed off now.

“Who ever said we were dating? I just wanted someone to fuck, and you just weren’t enough for me. Now, how about we change that…” she said to Eric, reaching into her purse for her prized possession. She gripped the artifact and leaned in close to Eric, whispering “I wish you were a built black man, with a massive cock, ready to fuck me”

Eric felt himself changing. “What the fuck…” he said in disbelief. Moments later, Eric’s body was replaced with a large black man’s. “How did you…Change me back you witch!” he screamed at her.

Ash had other plans for him. “I wish you didn’t ever remember being Eric. You’re Tyrone now.” Tyrone’s expression changed, from anger and disbelief, to lust.

He smiled at the busty woman he was standing with. Leaning against the wall, he brushed her hair out of her face. “How about we move this little private party of ours upstairs…” he suggested, gliding his hand down her smooth body until he reached her nether region. Ash let out a soft yelp and agreed, letting the large black man lead her up the staircase and into the master bedroom.

Ash felt for Tyrone’s crotch and grasped a handful of the bulge waiting for her. She moved her hand down his rod and became more aroused. It seemed to never end. As Ash tugged and pulled at his belt, trying to free the monster hidden under his trousers, Tyrone pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it off to the side. Ash slid the built man’s pants down to the floor, revealing his package.

“You have a gorgeous cock Tyrone…” she said, holding it in her hand, admiring it’s beauty. She started to jerk it with her manicured hand. She fell to her knees and gaped at it’s size before her. Wasting no time, she guided her mouth over the black rod and sucked, still jerking the base of the shaft. Tasting his dark meat, she knew tonight was going to be wild.

Ash was in heaven. There she was, in Eric’s house, getting face-fucked by this massive black stud. His dick felt right at home in her perfect plump mouth. She sucked on that cock like she was a baby with a pacifier. Her tongue slid up and down the shaft, twisting and turning along its length, as he held a hand on top of her head, moderating how deep down her throat it went.

At this point, Ash wanted the real thing. She pulled the thick black cock out of her mouth and stood up on her 6 inch heels. She pushed him backwards onto the bed, his cock pointing straight up. She wanted to take this cock for a ride. Slowly she crawled up onto her man and positioned herself above his cock. She got a grip on his shaft and lined it up with her pussy. As she sank down onto his rod, she moaned out loud. “Ohhhhhhhhhh” She couldn’t contain herself.

“This is sooo much better than Eric’s cock, this is a real man’s cock” she moaned at Tyrone. She brushed her hair off to the side and bounced up and down on his stick, wriggling as she moved up and down, covering all of her most sensitive spots. Her tight slit was dripping wet. She continued to moan and groan at the pleasure shooting through her pussy as Tyrone began to fondle her massive melons. The wet slaps of Ash’s ass smacking against Tyrone’s muscled thighs echoed throughout the room. Ash finally had a hunk with enough muscle, endurance, and cock to keep her satisfied.

Ash, still riding on her man’s fat rod, felt like she was about to explode.

“Oohhhhhhhhhhh I’m gonna-ahh-cummm” she yelled out between bounces. Ash let out another loud moan as she orgasmed. Still left in shock from the shot of pleasure she just received, she rolled off Tyrone’s dick and fell to the floor.

She snapped back into reality and glanced up. Tyrone towered above her, his cock still hard in his hand. He continued to jerk his cock in front of her. Ash knew what was coming next. She sat up onto her knees and waited for her salty surprise.

“Here, let me help you with that” she told him, reaching for her toy. Grasping his shaft once again, she rubbed him until she felt a twitch. She released Tyrone’s member and presented herself to it, ready to take his load anywhere he wanted to shoot it.

Tyrone finished himself off, firing his cum at Ash’s chest. Her massive breasts were like a fishing net, catching most of the jizz. The cum dripped down her body, reaching her lower belly as she sank closer to the ground, getting more comfortable. With one hand massaging her left breast, she reached down with the other and shoved her fingers into her pussy, flicking at her clit. Ash sat there, covered in her man’s milk. This was the way she wanted to live her life from now on.

One hand still buried in her pussy, she used her other hand to scoop up the cum sticking to her tit. She took the handful of semen and held it up to her mouth, licking her hand clean. Mmmm, tastes as expected. Good, but could use some adjustments she thought, smiling.